Commitment without Marriage

Once Bitten


Few people go into any long term relationship without having been in other relationships that did not work out. Some of them may have had relatively good relationships where there was not quite enough between partners to make it permanent, but others could have been in one or more bad relationships. Those who previously suffered in bad relationships are often hesitant to make a commitment because they have been hurt badly. The term once bitten, twice shy is a good way to describe their emotional mindset.

Being involved with a partner who is selfish or has issues that affect both partners can be an emotional minefield. Attempting to set everything right is generally the other person’s goal, yet they can be worn down by the constant needs of the other person. Getting out of the relationship may leave them with massive debt or other legal entanglements. It is generally ensure they have a bad taste when it comes to making another commitment to a long term personal relationship.

Getting past what has happened is often difficult, and it can take years before a person is ready to be a full partner with someone else. They may be giving up a great opportunity, yet the other person should realize what they are going through. The need for a commitment would not necessarily be a formal one, and it could happen at any time. Giving a partner who has previously been devastated the time they need is part of what creates a good relationship that will last into the future.

There are people able to recover in a short amount of time from a bad relationship. They are often the lucky ones who find that one right person, and they have the ability to recognize it. While they may be very willing to make a commitment, they should also be willing to wait for the other person to match their feelings.